My approach
to wellness.

Straight out of college I was living my dream of working in film and television production. I worked hard, played hard, ate junk, drank too much, and ran on coffee. I loved it. I was in my twenties and I felt invincible.

Until I didn’t. I gained a lot of weight and lost a lot of energy. I felt sick and tired. My career, finances, and relationships floundered. I lacked motivation and I felt lost. Clearly my life and my body were severely out of balance.

I wanted to feel better but I didn’t have a clue where to begin. It was overwhelming and I needed help. One day my chiropractor handed me a book, “Prescription for Nutritional Healing.” It was a simple gesture that sparked something deep inside me. The idea that I had the power to heal myself opened the door to what has become a lifelong quest to learn how to take personal responsibility for the care of my body, mind, and spirit.

Easier said than done. What I didn’t realize in the beginning was just how deep the layers of healing go and how complex we are as human beings. It turns out there is no short cut. True healing is a lifelong process that requires patience, compassion, and love. I wish I knew then what I know now: healing starts with awareness, awareness evolves into action, and action transforms into freedom.

My hope is to be a spark for you on your path. To provide you with empowering support for self-healing so that you can gracefully navigate your own layers and experience the vitality you desire.

Being human can be challenging.

Awareness is the first step in healing.”

—Dean Ornish MD, Founder of the Preventative Medicine Research Institute


Board Certified in Holistic Nutrition® | National Association of Nutrition Professionals

Certified Medical Intuitive Practitioner® | The Practical Path


Nutritional Therapy Practitioner Training & Functional Clinical Assessment Program | Nutritional Therapy Association

Medical Intuitive Training® & Biofield Balance® Intuitive Assessment Program | The Practical Path (Wendie Colter)

The Art and Practice of Shamanic Healing - Three Year Professional Training Program | Shamanic Healing Arts Institute (Julie M. Kramer)

The Sacred Call of the Healer, Year Long Shamanic Initiation | Shamanic Healing Arts Institute (Julie M. Kramer)

Holistic Health Coach Training Program | Institute for Integrative Nutrition/Teacher’s College of Columbia University

Foundations & Intermediate Herbalism Training Programs | Wildroot Botanicals (Leslie Lekos & Gary Bachman, ND)

Usui/Holy Fire® III Reiki I, II & Reiki Master Training Programs | International Center for Reiki Training

Advanced Meditation Training & Meditation Instructor Training Programs | Dharma Ocean Foundation


Bachelor of Arts, Liberal Studies | Western Washington University

*While I am an experienced Nutrition and Wellness Consultant, and Alternative Healing Arts Practitioner, I am not a physician, psychotherapist. registered dietitian, or other licensed health care provider and my services are not licensed in any state in the United States. Therefore, the services I offer on this website are not to be construed as medical treatment, psychotherapy, or any type of licensed health care service. Please refer to my
Disclaimer for more information.

“Shaya sees a person’s health—physical, emotional, spiritual—as interconnected. 

So, in addition to working with food issues, Shaya’s [wellness] guidance led me to balancing my life in other ways: Defining the areas that were pleasantly full and how to continue nurturing them, and figuring out where there were holes that needed to be filled in order to be a whole person. Once I acknowledged my needs, it was amazing how opportunities just fell into place to satisfy them. Shaya has given me the tools I need to lead the healthy, fulfilling lifestyle I have always desired.”


*While I am not able to guarantee any specific results and client testimonials do not constitute a warranty or predication regarding the outcome an individual may experience using my services for any particular issue or concern, these clients report having a positive experience.

Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?”

—Mary Oliver, The Summer Day

Let’s spark something.

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